Do Faith and Logic Contradict? (Video)

Are Christians irrational? Do believers have to surrender their reasoning ability to believe Christianity is true? What is the relationship between reason and faith? Do they contradict each other? …

How Do You Become Better at Asking Meaningful Questions? 3 Quick Ideas. – Sean McDowell

What is the secret to asking good questions? How do you become a better question-asker? Sean shares three ideas from his life and experience. Read More Sean McDowell

What Makes a True Friend? – John Piper

What makes for a true friend, according to God’s word? Pastor John sketches the nature and importance of friendship across the Scriptures. Listen Now Read More Desiring God

The Staggering Commandment of Neighbor Love – John Piper

What does it mean to love your neighbor as yourself? In this episode of Light + Truth, John Piper turns to Matthew 22:34–40 to explore Jesus’s teaching on this crucial…

‘Never Look Your Age’: Shiny Lies We Often Buy – Stacy Reaoch

As I sat in the dermatologist’s office, I scanned the bottles of serums and ointments on display in the waiting room — moisturizers, exfoliates, anti-aging serums, under-eye treatments. Although many…

What Happened at the Supreme Court

Three cases that will be consequential for years to come. __________ Claim your free access to the Why Vote? video series at  Read More Breakpoint

Wallpaper: Perfect Gift

“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.” James 1:17…

First Baptist Dallas members hopeful after ‘fires of Hell’ devour sanctuary: ‘Satan cannot destroy us’

First Baptist Dallas gathered in the Dallas Convention Center on Sunday to mourn the recent loss of their historic sanctuary, though several members expressed hope that God will use the…

RNC official blames ‘hateful, antisemitic people’ for response to Sikh prayer

Attorney and conservative political activist Harmeet Dhillon isn’t mincing words over criticism of her Sikh prayer. The Christian Post | RSS Read More

‘Of the Civil Magistrate’: How Presbyterians Shifted on Church-State Relations – Kevin DeYoung

Abstract: In 1788, American Presbyterians meeting in Philadelphia approved a revised version of the Westminster Confession of Faith. The most significant change to the original 1646 version concerned the doctrine…

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