Is Your Hospitality Christian? – Tanner Swanson

It’s no small secret that Christianity and hospitality go hand and hand. “Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality” (Romans 12:13). “Show hospitality to one…

How to Save Yourself and Your Hearers: 1 Timothy 4:11–16 – John Piper

Why is it so important for elders to attend to their own souls? Because as the elders go, so goes the church. Watch Now Read More Desiring God

Truth on Trial: Resisting Cultural Pressures in the Church – John Piper

How can the church resist societal pressures that demand conformity? In this episode of Light + Truth, John Piper urges believers to confront the forces that erode truth in the…

Does God Believe in Atheists? – John Piper

People for millennia have said, in one way or another, “There is no God.” Pastor John describes five ways we suppress the knowledge of God’s existence. Listen Now Read More…

Awe with Audacity: The Spirit of Christian Prayer – David Mathis

He helps the soul to approach with confidence, and yet with reverence; with filial fear, and yet with an emboldened faith; with zeal and importunity, and yet with humble submission;…

A Doctor’s Depression: How God Became My Healer – Kathryn Butler

During my year in the ICU as I trained as a trauma surgeon, the threat of tragedy loomed daily. Every morning, I would tweak ventilator settings and titrate drips in…

Why Strive for Godliness If Salvation Is a Gift? 1 Timothy 4:6–10, Part 4 – John Piper

If salvation is a gift, why does Paul place such emphasis on pursuing godliness? Because godliness confirms that faith is real. Watch Now Read More Desiring God

How to Feed a Pastor: The Secret Life of a Happy Man – David Mathis

As pastors, our first priority each day is not to serve God, help his people, or engage in other ministry, but to get our soul happy in God. Listen Now…

God Still Speaks: Reading the Bible with Astonishment – Seth Porch

A new year of Bible reading is upon us. Some, like the five wise virgins who prepared their lamps beforehand, have already sketched out a fresh strategy to read through…

Precision Matters: The Necessity of Clear Definitions – John Piper

Why do precise definitions and clear statements matter in an age of ambiguity? In this episode of Light + Truth, John Piper shows how a commitment to clarity safeguards the…

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