Applying the Just War Theory in the Age of Nuclear Bombs and How Should Christians Think about Climate Change?

The Oppenheimer movie has Christians revisiting the morality of warfare. An extra warm summer in some parts of the U.S. raises climate fears again. John and Maria discuss ways to slow down the growth of assisted suicide.


— Recommendations —

Summit Ministries

Latigo Ranch

Section 1 – Just War and the Bomb

Between Pacifism and Jihad: Just War and Christian Tradition by J. Daryl Charles

Letters and Papers from Prison by Dietrich Bonhoeffer

“Let’s Talk About Just War” by Nathaniel Peters

“Canadian hospice forced to close after refusing to offer assisted dying” CNA


Section 2 – Climate Change

The Editors podcast

Section 3 – Assisted Suicide 

“States remove protections from assisted suicide” WORLD

“Canada’s Suicidal Slide” Breakpoint

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