Woke Hermeneutics | Tom Buck – Administrator

For some time, the godless ideologies of Critical Race Theory and Intersectionality are spreading like gangrene in our evangelical seminaries. Positionality, a fundamental tenet of intersectionality, is now being injected into the practice of biblical hermeneutics – the science of biblical interpretation.

Dr. James Lindsay writes, “Positionality…one’s gender, race, class, and other aspects of identities act on the knowledge a person has about things.” When applying this ideology to biblical hermeneutics, some teach that we can best arrive at the meaning of biblical text by listening to the voices of people from different races and genders.

Proper biblical hermeneutics involves understanding the original point of the author to the original audience. We cannot arrive at this knowledge by putting on the glasses of our own or anyone else’s ethnicity and gender. That would only serve to place an outside framework upon the text leading to the loss of the meaning of the text.

In this lecture, Dr. Tom Buck reveals the dangers of woke hermeneutics, and exposes where it is gaining ground in evangelicalism today.

The audio version of this presentation is available on SoundcloudGoogle PodcastsApple PodcastsSpotify, & Stitcher.

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– Sovereign Nations

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