Who Am I?

Here’s an excerpt from Who Am I?, Burk Parsons’ contribution to the July issue of Tabletalk: In the musical adaptation of Victor Hugo’s classic work Les Misérables, the protagonist Jean…

Recommended Reading for Young Adults

It seems that as each generation reaches early adulthood, the world produces yet another batch of self-help books and how-to guides meant to help young men and women thrive—or at…

What Christian Biographies Have Impacted You the Most?

Christian biographies can show us how God uses ordinary people to accomplish great things for the cause of Christ. From one of our Ask Ligonier events, John MacArthur reveals which…

Why Does ‘Atonement’ Disappear in the New Testament? – John Piper

The word “atonement” appears all over the ESV’s translation of the Old Testament, but never in the New. Didn’t Jesus make atonement for our sins? Listen Now

Humble Yourself and Fast: God’s Unpleasant Gift for Lancing Pride – David Mathis

Am I humble? It’s a tough question to answer. For one, humble people don’t spend a lot of time thinking about themselves, especially their own humility. But it may be…

The Theater of God’s Redemption

In every generation, every culture there is a dominant prevailing spirit. The Germans coined a word for it, Zeitgeist, a term that joins two common ideas together. Zeit is the…

Sermons on Serving

As Christians, we are called to serve; Christ has equipped us each with gifts, and it’s our responsibility, privilege, and joy to use them for His kingdom. In these selected…

Will You Pray for Awakening? Download Your Free Prayer Guide

We live in a world that needs awakening. Millions of people do not know Jesus Christ. The church itself needs renewed zeal for the truth, for spiritual growth, and for…

God Tells the Time: Ancient Dreams for Humbling Days – David Mathis

Real hope in chaotic times isn’t a daydream, but a surefire promise from the Ancient of Days, who now governs every moment through the Son of Man. Watch Now

Pray to See the Church as God Does – Scott Hubbard

Criticizing the church can come easily, especially in an age like ours. Though many of us are aware of the dangers of consumer Christianity, few of us escape its influence…

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