Grace Flows from Joy in the Trinity: Ephesians 1:7–10, Part 5 – John Piper

“To the praise of the glory of his grace” summarizes the purpose of Ephesians, your life, and history. Watch Now Read More Desiring God

Only Halfway Home: Demons, Disciple-Making, and Middle-Age – Ryan Griffith

Disciple-making is, at its essence, humbly helping other disciples to faithfully follow Jesus. As disciples, our commission is to help others understand what it means to be part of his…

Waiting: Wallpaper

“We shall not grow weary of waiting upon God if we remember how long and how graciously He once waited for us.” — C.H. Spurgeon What is my screen resolution?…

Final Day: Save 50% on 60+ Teaching Series

Video teaching series from R.C. Sproul and other gifted teachers help you grow in your faith and apply the truth of God’s Word to every aspect of life. Today is…

What Is a Biblical Church?

What constitutes a biblical church? From one of our Ask Ligonier events, Derek Thomas sets forth several classic marks of a true church that are derived from principles in God’s…

Brave Words with a Broken Heart: The Unusual Boldness of the Apostle Paul – Justin Taylor

Our love grows soft if it is not strengthened by truth, and our truth grows hard if it is not softened by love. —John Stott John Piper has tried to…

Do We Need Extrabiblical Texts to Understand the Bible? – John Piper

Extrabiblical sources can help fill in some details of our Bible study, but all the gold we need to mine for life and godliness is in our English Bibles. Listen…

What’s the Answer to the Modern Day Church?

We now stand in the twenty-first century, almost five hundred years removed from John Calvin’s time, but we find ourselves in an equally critical hour of redemptive history. As the organized…

Hymn: “God Moves In a Mysterious Way” by William Cowper

God moves in a mysterious way His glorious wonders to perform; He plants His footsteps in the sea And rides upon the raging storm. You fearful saints, fresh courage take;…

$5 Friday (And More): Evangelism, the Psalms, & Grace

It’s time for our weekly $5 Friday sale. This week’s resources include such topics as evangelism, the Psalms, grace, repentance, holiness, forgiveness, and more. Plus, several bonus resources are also…

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