Historical Context and Lessons from Laodicea: Principles in Biblical Interpretation – Don Carson

Don Carson focuses on Jesus’s message to the church in Laodicea and the parable of the 10 virgins to illustrate the importance of understanding biblical texts within their historical and…

Pursue Healthy Eldership – Murray Capill

Many elder-led churches are broken. Think, for example, about these all-too-familiar scenarios. Laissez-faire elders: The elders are mere “yes men” to the lead minister. They look to him to be…

Why Church Planters Are Thriving in New England – Sarah Eekhoff Zylstra

In the late 1990s, a friend asked pastor Curtis Cook if he’d ever want to plant a church in Boston. Back then, the town that had been built by Puritans…

God Is Working While You’re Waiting – Collin Hansen, Mark Vroegop

Waiting can be endured. Waiting can be avoided. Waiting can be abhorred. Waiting can also be chosen. Because Waiting Isn’t a Waste, according to a new book by pastor Mark…

Don’t Underestimate the Role of History in Evangelism – Gavin Ortlund

Christians are called to be different from the surrounding culture. Philippians 2:15 says we should “shine as lights in the world.” Romans 12:2 calls us to “not be conformed to…

Storytelling: The Parenting Tool You Didn’t Know You Needed – Betsy Childs Howard

Shortly after I moved into my first apartment, I decided to make my mother’s beef stew. The recipe called for red wine, but after I started cooking, I realized I…

Love Fulfills the Law (Rom. 13:8–14) – Ray Ortlund, Sam Allberry

The law defines our flourishing lives as Christians, but often we’re prone to see God’s commands as restrictive and burdensome. In this episode of You’re Not Crazy, Ray Ortlund and Sam…

Pastor, Love Even Difficult People Restoratively – George Robertson

Soon after I began ministry, I heard an expert say it only takes six toxic people to drive a pastor out of a church. It doesn’t matter whether the church…

Parents Are Stressed. The Church Can Help. – Kira Nelson

Parenting has always been hard. Ever since the fall in Genesis 3, kids have grown up in a dangerous, twisted, dark world. The first baby grew up to murder his…

The Abraham Option: How Exiles Can Contend for the Faith – Glen Scrivener

“By faith he went to live in the land of promise, as in a foreign land, living in tents with Isaac and Jacob, heirs with him of the same promise.…

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