Does the Bible Condone Slavery?

Passages in the Old Testament mention buying “slaves” or servants.  One even states “If a man sells his daughter as a female slave (Ex. 21:7) ….”  What?  Buying and selling…

If Your Free Speech Is Threatened, Let Us Know

As the school year starts, I’m wondering how many students and professors will find themselves in difficult positions. Source Read More Evolution News

A. R. Wallace Is Evolution’s Last Man Standing

Only Wallace’s postulation of an “Overruling Intelligence” to explain the complexities of humanity and nature has stood the test of time. Source Read More Evolution News

Why Does God Allow Evil and Suffering? (Video)

If there is an all-loving, all-powerful God, why doesn’t He stop evil? Why would He allow his children to suffer? In this video from J. Warner’s “Quick Shots: Fast Answers…

Kimberella — A Checkered History

John Kimber collected the first fossils of this organism and died tragically at age 38 during an expedition in South Australia in 1964. Source Read More Evolution News

“Radical New Theory” on the Origin of Life?

Some recent work suggests it all happened at once in a sort of “chemical big bang.” Source Read More Evolution News

Alfred Russel Wallace: Shedding Light on Darwin’s Shadow

Nature’s prophet and Darwin’s challenger, Wallace’s effort was to restore nature to the “space-spirit hierarchy” it once knew. Source Read More Evolution News

Beauty, Freedom, and Goodness as Signposts to God: A Conversation with Greg Ganssle – Sean McDowell

The human heart longs for God. I interview Greg Ganssle, author of Our Deepest Desires about how our yearnings for beauty, freedom, goodness point to God. Read More Sean McDowell

Was Kimberella a Precambrian Mollusk?

If identified as an animal, it would “predate the Cambrian explosion of bilaterian animal phyla as a kind of ‘advance guard.’” Source Read More Evolution News

Why the Objective Truth Trumps My Subjective Feelings

Why are you a Christian? What motivates the pursuit of your faith? What reason do you have to believe what you believe? If you talk to your fellow brothers and…

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