It’s been almost two years since Tucker Carlson departed Fox News, a high-profile firing that eventually led to him launching his own streaming service.
The “Tucker Carlson Network” is a subscription-based entity of several hundred thousand followers. While the popular pundit has been taking the show on the road to dozens of international destinations, a secluded studio in rural Maine is world headquarters.
Carlson doesn’t do many interviews beyond his own network these days, but he recently sat down with Michael Savage, another highly controversial pundit and host of a new weekly television show on Newsmax.
Carlson told Savage that he agreed to the interview “Because there’s nothing I love more than people who persist, who keep going.”
Michael Savage is two months shy of his 83rd birthday.
Towards the end of the near hour-long interview, Savage asked Carlson what motivates him to keep going professionally.
“Rage,” Carlson answered. “I’m so deeply offended by the destruction of things. I hate vandalism. I see the world in binary terms. You’re either creating or destroying. God creates. Satan destroys.”
The former Fox News pundit continued:
I really believe that. That’s my core belief, actually, of life. And so I prize creativity and creation above all. It’s why I have so many children. And I’m watching our leaders destroy the things that our ancestors, my ancestors, built, every institution in the United States, the physical United States.
We’re in a period of destruction. It’s not creative destruction. There’s no such thing as creative destruction, actually. There’s just destruction and creation. Those are the choices. And we’re in an unusually destructive period. I’m really, really mad about it. I couldn’t be madder about it. I’m enraged to the point where it affects my sleep. But not at any individual, but at the spirit of destruction unleashed on the country. And I want it to stop more than anything.
Despite some unorthodox and uneven opinions on a variety of issues over the years, it’s that palpable passion that’s drawn so many to Tucker Carlson over the years.
There are some Christians who might be uncomfortable with the idea of “rage” motivating anyone, but the Bible makes clear of the distinction between righteous and unrighteous anger.
Righteous anger is not only an understandable reaction to some of what’s unfolding in culture today, but it’s also biblical. Jesus despised hypocrites (Matthew 23:25-32), grew indignant when children were disrespected (Mark 10:13-16) and raged red hot when His house was used to cheat people (Matthew 21:12-17).
This type of anger is rooted in what angers God. It’s a humble but indignant response to sin. It’s productive and not destructive.
We get understandably angry at children being killed by abortion, abused by pedophiles, and encouraged to mutilate their bodies because of sexual confusion. We’re angered by infidelity, lies, and injustice.
God gets angry, too.
Solomon writes that God hates “haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil” (Proverbs 6:16-18).
Conversely, unrighteous anger is selfish and reckless. It morphs into bitterness. It rages and accomplishes nothing beyond the fire and the fury.
When Tucker Carlson references seeing the world in “binary” terms, the opening lines of the Didache, an early Christian writing dating back to the second century, comes to mind:
There are two ways, one of life and one of death; but a great difference between the two ways. The way of life, then, is this: First, you shall love God who made you; second, your neighbor as yourself; and all things whatsoever you would should not occur to you, do not also do to another.
We likewise read in Deuteronomy, “See, I have set before thee this day life and good, and death and evil” (30:15).
If what makes God angry doesn’t make us angry, there’s a good chance we’re apathetic, emotionally detached, unconcerned with those struggling and mired in sin. We get angry because we care – not that things aren’t going according to our plan, but going in a way that will ultimately lead people to misery, death and eternal destruction.
The post Tucker Carlson Says Rage Motivates Him. Is that Bad? appeared first on Daily Citizen.
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