Mama Bear Apologetics Guide to Sexuality

The top apologetics book over the past two years on Amazon has been Hillary Morgan Ferrer’s Mama Bear Apologetics (yes, I think it’s sold even more than Mere Christianity). Well, Hillary is back with an equally great new book called Mama Bear Apologetics Guide to Sexuality. And she writes about hard issues in a fun and memorable way. For example, here’s a short excerpt:

The idea that sexuality should be guarded is not very popular. Our society sees it as just a prudish phase we went through back in the Victorian era. Thanks to Freud, we are now supposedly enlightened, understanding that sexual repression is basically the gateway to all mental illnesses. Be free, little birdies! It’s for your own good! Don’t listen to those religious nutjobs. They craaazy!

Well, are we craaazy? Listen in as Frank asks Hillary to explain why biblical sexual ethics are correct and how you can teach them to your kids. You can’t refute something that you don’t understand. This podcast and Hillary’s book will help you understand the top issues of our day.

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