The Very Heart of the Reformation

At the very heart of the controversy in the sixteenth century was the question of the ground by which God declares anyone righteous in His sight. The psalmist asked, “If…

Calvinism in Color: How a Charismatic Baptist Became Reformed – Michael A.G. Haykin

A Calvinist friend once asked me what writing projects in history currently occupied my attention. I hesitated to answer as I was certain he would find my present historical focus…

Everyday Gospel – John Piper

How might the gospel transform us if we really fed on it every day? In this episode of Light + Truth, John Piper turns to Romans 1:16–17 to explore how…

John Piper on ChatGPT – John Piper

Intelligence without affection is barren, mechanical — even artificial. Pastor John reflects on his ministry in the light of developing AI technologies. Listen Now Read More Desiring God

How Are We Saved? Read ‘The Beauty of Divine Grace’

Even if we’re believers, we might experience moments when we question, “Have I done enough?” or “Have I been good enough?” in order to feel secure in our salvation. The…

Gift From Him : Wallpaper

“We need God to teach us that every day we have on earth is a gift from Him.” —Alistair Begg Click below to download your image: Apple Devices:iPadsiPhones Other Devices:Android…

What Does It Mean to Forgive?

Matthew 18:15–20 gives us the pattern we should follow when someone has sinned against us, but what does it mean to forgive in the first place? For an answer, let…

Should Christians be afraid of passages like Matthew 24:13?

Matthew 24:13 is a simple statement that there are struggles and trials. This text is stated in the context of the destruction of Jerusalem in particular, and it is an…

Grace Will Order All Your Pain: Retirement Message for Dana Olson – John Piper

What is sovereign, sustaining grace? It is not grace that spares us pain, but grace that orders our pain — and then sustains us through the pain. Watch Now Read…

Preach to Comfort and Disturb: A Plea to Pastors – Greg Morse

Pastors are men atop a watchtower. They keep awake, while others sleep. The Holy Spirit has placed them there to oversee the church. They scan the darkness; they have a…

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