Wallpaper: Shepherds

“And an angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were filled with great fear. And the angel said to…

3 Things You Should Know about Philemon

At face value, Paul’s letter to Philemon seems like a private letter written to address a painful problem that had arisen in a Christian family in the New Testament world.…

What encouragement can you offer Christians facing hardship and suffering?

I think we have the false notion that life should be easy and that we should just be blessed in life. The reality is that being a Christian is probably…

Help Make Disciples in Hard-to-Reach Places

Jesus Christ commands His followers to go into all the world to make disciples. And chaplains can go where most others cannot: into military bases and correctional facilities. Ligonier Ministries…

What’s It Like to Be a Christian? Faith, Obedience, and Living as Strangers – David Mathis

What is Christian faith? Hebrews 11 not only answers the question but tells us what faith feels like, and how it leads to obedience, and living as exiles in this…

Tangible Acts of Christmas: A Missing Ingredient in Evangelism – Jon Bloom

I’ve been ruminating on a text of Scripture that has me rethinking how I’ve typically sought to share the gospel with others at Christmastime. For while we were still weak,…

Summary of Colossians: Colossians 1–4 – John Piper

In his glorious letter to the Colossians, what was the most foundational truth Paul wanted to communicate? Watch Now Read More Desiring God

When Your Heart Goes Dark: How to Seize Hope in Suffering – Greg Morse

“As [a man] thinketh in his heart, so is he” (Proverbs 23:7 KJV). What a man thinks in his heart — not what he says with his mouth — is…

Living as Free People – John Piper

How does being a slave to God make us truly free? In this episode of Light + Truth, John Piper opens 1 Peter 2:13–17 to show us how. Watch Now…

My Signature. My Chains. My Blessing. Colossians 4:15–18 – John Piper

What do Paul’s final words in the letter to the Colossians reveal about his priorities and about his deep affection for the saints in that city? Watch Now Read More…

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