3 Things You Should Know about Titus

Titus is one of the Pastoral Epistles, which is an eighteenth-century term for the books of 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus because they are letters from the Apostle Paul…

The Long, Forgotten Reformation in France: A Brief History of the Huguenots – Stephen M. Davis

ABSTRACT: The Reformation disrupted the religious status quo of early sixteenth-century Europe when multitudes embraced the teachings of Martin Luther (1483–1546) and John Calvin (1509–1564). Their followers were respectively called…

Offering Spiritual Sacrifices – John Piper

What does it mean to offer God spiritual sacrifices through Christ? In this episode of Light + Truth, John Piper answers that question from 1 Peter 2:4–8. Watch Now Read…

Agonizing in Prayer to the Point of Pain: Colossians 4:10–14, Part 2 – John Piper

Christians should labor in prayer. They should be like athletes in prayer who struggle for the glory of God and the good of others. Watch Now Read More Desiring God

Peace in a Hostile World

Though he died in 1980, John Lennon’s music remains influential. His lyrics from the song “Imagine” have become a kind of contemporary mantra: Imagine there’s no countries,It isn’t hard to…

A Ministry Update from Ligonier

Christians are called to be a light for Christ in a dark world as they bear witness to the gospel. This requires that God’s people be well-equipped with biblical truth,…

Twelve Ways of Christmas: How to Share Jesus During Advent – Andrew Knight

According to recent surveys, over 90 percent of your neighbors plan to celebrate Christmas this year (at least if you live in America). They’re not likely to observe the Muslim…

Overcoming Spiritual Fatalism – John Piper

What do you do when you begin to believe that your current spiritual stagnation is permanent? In this episode of Light + Truth, John Piper looks at 1 Peter 2:1–3…

Go to the Ant – John Piper

We know God inspired the Bible, but we sometimes forget that he also spoke creation into existence. How might we begin to learn from both of God’s books? Listen Now…

Wallpaper: Delivered

“Jesus was delivered up to death in order that we might be delivered from death.” —Alistair Begg Click below to download your image: Apple Devices:iPadsiPhones Other Devices:Android PhonesAmazon FireMicrosoft Surface…

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