Clarity Amid Confusion

You and I cannot be silent when error rushes in to fill the space left void by truth’s absence. This month, we’ll send you a remarkably useful new resource to…

The Image of God Restored

The whole story of the Bible reveals the way God has prepared to restore His image-bearers to Himself. From our online event Made in the Image of God, Sinclair Ferguson…

Did God Save Me to Call Attention to Himself? – John Piper

Over and over in the Bible, God says that he saves us in order to draw attention to himself. Why did God design salvation that way? Listen Now Read More Desiring…

America Was Never Home: How Christian Exiles Love a Nation Like Ours – Scott Hubbard

In the aftermath of Obergefell v. Hodges in 2015, some American Christians began to feel newly like exiles in their own country. All at once, it seemed to them, the…

The Crisis of Not Listening

Psalm 81 is a remarkable and important psalm in the Psalter. This psalm of Asaph is more specific than many psalms about the original occasion for its composition. The formal…

Hymn: “God Is Still on the Throne” by Kittie Suffield

Have you started for glory and heaven,Have you left this old world far behind;In your heart is the Comforter dwelling,Can you say, :Praise the Lord, He is mine;”Have the ones…

Already, Not Yet: How to Live in the Last Days – David Briones

ABSTRACT: For now, Christians live in a great theological tension: we already possess every spiritual blessing in Christ, but we do not experience the fullness of these blessings yet. In…

Christ Redeems Us from Disobedience: Ephesians 1:7–10, Part 4 – John Piper

Christ’s blood not only purchases our forgiveness, but our obedience. We were not only redeemed from guilt, but from our futile ways of living. Watch Now Read More Desiring God

Columns from Tabletalk Magazine, August 2020

The August issue of Tabletalk explores the Bible’s teaching on Christian discourse. As creatures made in the image of God, human beings reflect His speaking nature by communicating with one…

What Characteristics Mark an Effective Church? Part 3 of 7: Devotion to the Sacraments

What important practices marked believers in the first century? Continuing his series of talks on church life according to the New Testament, Alistair describes the essential role of baptism and…

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