Teach Us to Number Our Days

“Teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.” (Psalm 90: 12) This verse is often treated as if it were a proverb that means,…

Video: “David Spares Saul Again” by Alistair Begg

After Saul yet again moved against him, David infiltrated the king’s camp and found him sleeping and helpless. But David was a man of conviction, not convenience; instead of slaying…

When Suffering Drives Joy Away: Finding God in Dry Places – Vaneetha Rendall Risner

I was in my twenties when I first concluded that the Christian life was boring. I read the Bible regularly, but often mindlessly. It just wasn’t that interesting. I had…

Knowing God’s Plan Is a Lavish Grace: Ephesians 1:7–10, Part 6 – John Piper

Have you begun to take the Bible for granted? Even knowing God’s will is an immense grace from God. Watch Now Read More Desiring God

Truth in Discourse

Here’s an excerpt from Truth in Discourse, David Camera’s contribution to the August issue of Tabletalk: “Justice is turned back, and righteousness stands far away; for truth has stumbled in…

What Characteristics Mark an Effective Church? Part 4 of 7: Prayer

For the apostles, prayer was a fundamental aspect of their relationship with God through the Lord Jesus Christ. Alistair comments on how important it is for a church to follow…

Is God Disappointed in Our Mistakes or Disobedience?

Sin is no mere mistake. It’s a willful act of disobedience against the holy, righteous God. In this Q&A video from our 2016 National Conference, R.C. Sproul and Michael Reeves…

Fear Your Fear of Man – Marshall Segal

If we knew how dangerous the fear of man really is, we might fear men less and fear our fears more. Other sins have beset me in my walk with…

How Do I Lead Someone to Christ? – John Piper

To lead someone to Christ is a spectacular gift from God. But what should you actually say and do in the moment? Listen Now Read More Desiring God

Living Under Authority

As I read the scriptures, particularly the New Testament, there is a theme that recurs again and again regarding the Christian’s willingness to be in submission to various types of…

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