Four Myths about Forgiveness

Many of us are very familiar with the Lord’s Prayer, a series of verses in both Matthew and Luke in which Jesus provides His disciples with an example of prayer…

Does the World Choose the Church’s Leaders? The Most Surprising Qualification for Pastors – David Mathis

It may be the most surprising of the qualifications for the teaching office in the church. Of course, pastor-elders must be “able to teach.” “Not a drunkard”? Indeed. But “well…

How Did Roman Catholic Views on Mary Change in the 20th Century?

In the latter half of the 20th century, the Roman Catholic Church increasingly exalted the Virgin Mary in its official teaching. From his series A Survey of Church History, W.…

Woe Is Me: The Sin of Self-Pity and How to Be Free – Abigail Dodds

We’ve all seen it in toddlers. The moment when the 3-year-old asks for a particular race car from his fellow toddler. The friend replies, “No, I’m playing with it,” and…

The Basis and Essence of God’s Grace: Ephesians 1:7–10, Part 7 – John Piper

Nothing can be clearer about the nature of grace than to realize our life in Christ is owing to nothing in us. We were dead. Watch Now Read More Desiring…

Inheritance: Wallpaper

“In him we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to the purpose of him who works all things according to the counsel of his will.” (Ephesians 1:11 ESV)…

How Should We Interpret Promises in the Psalms That No Harm Will Strike Us?

How do we interpret the verses in the Psalms that say “no evil shall be allowed to befall you” (91:10)? From one of our Ask R.C. events, R.C. Sproul explains…

The Secret of Sanctification

One of the most beneficial things I learned from my professors during my seminary days was that ministers must continually preach the message of the cross to the people of…

Ten Reasons to Read the Bible Every Day – John Piper

If we are going to grow up into maturity in Christ, we need to feast on Scripture — and not just here and there, but every day. Listen Now Read…

Feeds on Fire: What Christians Can Bring to Online Conflict – Greg Morse

It was a large, strange fire. Those who rushed to put it out found that it not only roared, but seemed to bark as it spread. The smoldering fields and…

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