Always Ready: Free Online Event for Students

How you answer the tough questions makes all the difference in the world. What will you say when your friends ask about your faith? Do you have the confidence to…

Regeneration Is Monergistic

There may be no truth in the Bible more deeply loved and greatly cherished than the subject of the new birth. Here is the grace-centered message of a new beginning…

In Him We Live and Move: Stewarding a Body in Sedentary Times – David Mathis

When’s the last time you paused to ponder the wonder of feet? Not just their oddness and elegance, but the fact that humans have them at all. Unlike plants and…

How Are We Made Right with God? Many “Evangelicals” Don’t Know.

What do U.S. evangelicals believe about salvation? The results are now available from our 2020 State of Theology survey, conducted in partnership with Lifeway Research. The gospel of Jesus Christ…

Who Is the Great Prophet of the Old Testament?

Who was the greatest of the Old Testament prophets? Elijah, Jeremiah, Isaiah? In this brief clip, R.C. Sproul makes his case for a figure that might surprise us. Transcript: Sometimes…

Would a Loving God Wound Me? – Greg Morse

Of the few things I recall from my short season attending the church, the message covering the wall remains the strongest: “Prepare to meet your God.” It was the big…

How Do We Win the Elect to Christ? Ephesians 1:11–14, Part 8 – John Piper

How do we win our elect neighbors, friends, and family members to Christ? What do we say? Watch Now Read More Desiring God

Free: Wallpaper

“Jesus breaks the chains that bind people to their past and gives them power to live in the present and joy to face the future.” — Alistair Begg What is…

Wallpaper: Jesus Breaks the Chains

“Jesus breaks the chains that bind people to their past and gives them power to live in the present and joy to face the future.” — Alistair Begg What is…

Listen to Alistair Begg at a New Time on Family Radio

Beginning September 21, Truth For Life will air at 1 p.m. eastern and mountain time and at noon central and pacific time on Family Radio. This is a change from…

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