Giving Is the Greatest Wealth – Jon Bloom

If you want to become wealthy, there are certain things you must understand and certain things you must do. First, you must understand what kind of wealth you’re pursuing and…

Who Will Have Your Attention? Clinging to Christ in the Digital Age – Tony Reinke

In an era of endless screens and scrolling, everything competes for our attention. Unless Christ has captured our hearts, we’ll search for satisfaction in all the wrong places. Watch Now…

How Much Did It Take to Make You Believe? Ephesians 1:19–23, Part 1 – John Piper

The power God exerts toward us who believe is greater than any force imaginable. The fiercest tornadoes are but gentle breezes in comparison. Watch Now Read More Desiring God

No Holiness, No Heaven: How to Know If Faith Is Real or Dead – Greg Morse

No one will be in heaven who did not walk in good works on earth. In other words, and in the words of Hebrews 12:14, there is a “holiness without…

Every Woman Needs Another: A Call to Spiritual Motherhood – Tia Kim

Growing up, I had many guides in Christ, but not many mothers (1 Corinthians 4:15). I sat under the teaching of various women and read extensively, but I did not…

Does God Regret Making Me? – John Piper

We know that God is committed to saving his people. But does he ever become so frustrated with us that he regrets having made us in the first place? Listen…

For Worse or Better: Moving Beyond Broken Dreams in Marriage – Dave Harvey

Do you ever feel like your marriage was an accident? Do you ever wonder, “Did I make a mistake?” Maybe your new life together started strong, with hopes that beamed…

The Good American: What Samaria Says About Racial Hostility – Marshall Segal

For those of us who have lived only in the United States, the stories we hear of past hostilities between whites and blacks here might seem like some of the…

What Makes Us Want to Move and Travel? – John Piper

Our cravings can take us to new spouses, new jobs, or even new cities or countries. But there is only one place we’ll find the satisfaction we seek. Listen Now…

Learning to Wait Well – Bob Kauflin

I’ve never met anyone who likes to wait. And yet we spend most of our lives doing exactly that. Sometimes, waiting is just inconvenient. We wait for Uber rides, phone…

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