Black Christians, White Christians, and George Washington Carver – Steve Bateman, Daylan Woodall

We are pastors in Decatur, Alabama, leading churches on opposite sides of town. One of our churches was founded in 1866 by former slaves after the Civil War. The other…

How to Test Ministry Ideas – Tabitha Kapic

Years ago, I was tasked with strengthening the relationship between a large Christian ministry and pastors in that region. It seemed pretty straightforward. Our team created a survey and incentivized…

Chinese Christians Adapt Under New Restrictions – Sarah Eekhoff Zylstra, Zhang San

Earlier this month, news broke about a Chinese government requirement that people in the Henan province register before attending worship services. They’re supposed to use a “Smart Religion” app, which…

A Prayer for Taking Your Kids to School After Tragedy – Winfree Brisley

When the breaking news alert flashed across my screen, I did a double take. A shooting at the Covenant School, three children killed. My heart stopped for a minute as…

Help! I Can’t Find Time as a Mom to Read the Bible – Amy Payne

I’m a busy mom, and I have trouble finding time to read the Bible. Where do I start to carve out time for this? “A mother’s work is never done.”…

The FAQs: Shooting at Presbyterian School in Nashville – Joe Carter

What just happened? On Monday, a heavily armed 28-year-old entered The Covenant School, a private Christian campus in Nashville, Tennessee, and killed three children and three staff members. The assailant,…

Do You Take Christ for Richer and Poorer? – Ryan Currie

The West African wedding was as intense as the sun. The thatched walls of the church couldn’t contain the celebration. After a couple of hours, the music and dancing subsided.…

Justification Triumphs over Slander – Jackson Gravitt

As kids, we told a fib: “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” Lived experience proves the opposite. Words hurt. Perhaps untrue words are…

Why I Love the Church That Talks About Sin – Rynn Driver

I “accepted Jesus into my heart” for the first time when I was about 5 years old. At that point, I’d already been affected by sexual sin—sin that would seep…

Rediscover the Forgotten Bavinck – Daniel Strange

In 2022, Christianity Today ran an article titled “Everybody Loves Bavinck” written by James Eglinton, theologian and author of the critically acclaimed biography of Herman Bavinck (1854–1921). There’s been a…

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