Should Facial Recognition Be Used in Policing? – Jason Thacker

Earlier this year, The New York Times broke the story and raised public awareness of a little-known facial recognition startup called Clearview AI, which sells their controversial technology to over…

‘No One Understands!’ Lessons for Lonely Sufferers – Caleb Greggsen

When I was a high-school freshman, my school in Central Asia was attacked by terrorists. No children were killed, though five adults (including two believers) were. My family eventually moved…

The Disregarded Door to Racial Reconciliation – Irwyn Ince

Humanity has a deeply rooted desire for peace. Vocalists sing about it. Poets express their longing for it. Nations fight wars to secure it. Yet establishing peace between individuals, communities,…

Let’s Talk: Hospitality in Different Contexts – Jasmine Holmes

Please note that this conversation on hospitality was pre-recorded before the COVID-19 pandemic. We hope this conversation encourages you to show hospitality once it is safe to gather again. On…

10 Solid Films from the First Half of 2020 – Brett McCracken

For the past three months, most movie theaters have been closed. Who knows when they will fully reopen. But in the era of streaming, that hasn’t stopped movies from being…

Michael McKelvey on Teaching Amos – Nancy Guthrie

There are two statements that I could immediately identify as being from Amos, even though I haven’t spent much time in the book. One is the rhetorical question, “Does disaster…

What Should I Do About a Corrupt Boss? – Will Sorrell

I’ve worked for a boss with questionable integrity for almost five years, and I’ve caught wind that a few of my coworkers have filed HR complaints that are being seriously…

5 Reasons to Pray Your Church Would Grow Slowly – Aaron Menikoff

If you’re a pastor, what you’re about to read may seem strange. As you think about your ministry, I’d encourage you to pray for slow growth. Our temptation is to…

Supreme Court Delivers Two More Victories for Religious Liberty – Joe Carter

The Story: In two rulings released this week, the Supreme Court delivered two more victories—one narrow and one broad—for religious liberty. The Background: The court issued rulings this week on…

What Does the Bible Say About Divorce and Remarriage?

James Newheiser, Jr. answers the question, “What does the Bible say about divorce and remarriage?” He addresses: Biblical grounds for divorce (:40) Unfaithfulness, repentance, forgiveness, and reconciliation (1:24) Abandonment and…

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