‘Surprised by Oxford’ Film Adaptation Is a Pleasant Surprise – Brett McCracken

I was a big fan of Carolyn Weber’s memoir, Surprised by Oxford, when I read it a decade ago. For someone who loves C. S. Lewis, spent time in the…

How Lament Leads to Racial Reconciliation – Mark Vroegop, Irwyn Ince, Kori Porter

“At the core of our identity as Christians is this thing that says, ‘Jesus is more important to us than anything else,’ and it causes us to lean toward one…

Why Does Jesus Make Us Pray ‘Our’ Father? – D. J. Marotta

From the crack of the starting pistol, we get into trouble with the Lord’s Prayer. This is one of those funny situations where you’re only lost if you’re paying attention.…

Are Pastors Caught in Lies Disqualified from Ministry? – Ryan Williams

Trust in pastors is probably close to an all-time low. Gone are the days of blind trust in the words of the one who carries a ministry title. Too many…

Use the Kaizen Method of Sermon Application – Joe Carter

Over the course of your life, how many sermons have you heard? Let’s say, for example, that you’re 35 years old and started attending church at age 20. Over that…

Black Minds Matter – Dan Olson

In Toni Morrison’s novel Song of Solomon, “Lincoln’s Heaven” is the name of a black family farm that symbolizes the unrealized hope of the Reconstruction era before Jim Crow laws…

Seek Wisdom in the Age of Algorithms – Steve Bateman

Ours is an age of algorithmic flattery. Internet algorithms tell us pleasant lies we want to hear because clever people want what we have. They want our money, our attention,…

Keep Christians Weird – Jen Pollock Michel

On the day we buried my mother’s husband, Deacon Lance presided over the graveside service. It was a hot May day, and Deacon Lance was dressed in khaki slacks and…

Why I Stopped Church Hopping – Tess Abraham

I’ve attended close to a dozen churches in my life. Growing up, my parents considered church important, but I watched them struggle to find one they believed was both doctrinally…

Living as Christians in a National Fertility Crisis – Hyoung-ik Kim

About 10 years ago, when I was pastoring in the United States, I was invited to speak at a college student rally in Korea. After returning home, I received a…

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