The Advantages of a Bayesian Approach to ID

Lydia McGrew gives the analogy that there is always a possibility that prehistoric civilizations did not have the ability or desire to make arrowheads. Source Read More Evolution News

NT Wright identifies ‘knee-jerk’ reactions Christians have in response to COVID-19

New Testament scholar N.T. Wright has weighed in on what the Christian response to the coronavirus should be and identified problematic “knee-jerk” reactions many believers have when tragedies occur.  Read…

Legalizing Polyamory

Each summer, I teach high school and college students at Summit Ministries on the topic of marriage and the family, including what marriage is, what it’s for, cultural trends about…

Liberty U. sues New York Times for $10M over COVID-19 campus stories

Liberty University is suing The New York Times for $10 million over a series of news stories published earlier this year about the evangelical Christian school’s response to the COVID-19…

The World Needs More Faithful Men – Scott Hubbard

Hidden among the nine shining fruit of the Spirit is a virtue some men might find bland. Compared to other marks of Christlikeness, its grandeur may seem small; its glory,…

Will Membership Make a Difference? The Vital Joys of Joining a Church – P.J. Tibayan

How pleasant it is when a church family lives together in harmony (Psalm 133:1). For those of us who have tasted and seen the goodness of God in our church…

Christian missionary, father-of-4 brutally murdered in India by Maoists

A Christian missionary and father-of-four was brutally murdered by a Maoist group in India angered by his mission work amid a rise in religious persecution across the country. Read More…

‘Defund Pornhub’: Christian actor, game show host Terry Crews declares

Terry Crews, the Christian actor and host of primetime programs including “America’s Got Talent” and “Who wants to be a Millionaire?” has denounced the website Pornhub. Read More The Christian…

The State of Grace

Here’s an excerpt from The State of Grace, Cornelis P. Venema’s contribution to the July issue of Tabletalk: Though readers of Tabletalk are not likely to glean their theology from…

Christian Leaders: Here’s the Quickest Way to Change Our Christian Culture

I’ve been both a youth and a lead pastor, and as such, I’ve struggled to find a way to change the culture of the groups I’ve led. There were times…

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