Is Abortion Pill Reversal Safe and Effective?

We’re excited to announce the Colson Fellows program is now accepting applications for the 2024-2025 cohort. As a Breakpoint listener, you probably pick up on how the daily commentaries do the work of translation for you. We take a story or issue being discussed in our culture right now and model how to think through it from a Christian worldview. But, if you’re interested in going deeper – in discovering how to develop the wisdom and skills needed to walk wisely in this cultural moment – then the Colson Fellows program might be for you. This ten-month program combines theological, spiritual, and worldview formation through a carefully curated combination of readings, daily devotions, live webinars, and monthly meetings with your peers. With both in-person and fully online offerings, you can choose the format that works best with your stage in life. Interested in learning more? You can explore the program and submit an application at


Despite progressive states trying to ban APR, the treatment is proving to be safe for moms and lifesaving for babies. 

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