National Suicide Hotline Undermines Itself

In a commentary last week, I discussed the tragic popularity of the new 988 national suicide hotline. Dramatic spikes in suicides and suicidality make this kind of intervention (and others) sadly necessary to prevent people from making an irreversible decision.   

I am thankful, however, that friends at the Restored Hope Network let me know that the hotline directs those who identify as LGBTQ to the Trevor Project, a radical advocacy group whose aim is to push young people toward sexual confusion. In this way, the new suicide hotline is undermining its own ends. Teens who identify as LGBTQ are four times more likely to contemplate and attempt suicide and more likely to struggle with other mental illnesses. The Trevor Project claims this is due to stigma, not mental illness, but that assertion doesn’t make sense. The suicide rate has continued to rise as cultural acceptance of LGBTQ ideology and identity has.  

Christians must take the lead in suicide prevention. To learn how, go to

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