Share Your #HopeInTheWilderness Story – Staff

The theme of our upcoming TGC23 national conference (September 25–27) is Hope in the Wilderness: Encouragement for Pilgrims from the Book of Exodus.

As we prepare for the conference, we’d love to hear from you: How has God met you in a difficult place or season and encouraged you in faithful perseverance? Where have you found gospel hope in the wilderness?

Join our #HopeInTheWilderness social media campaign and contest. Here’s how.

How to Participate

Simply post a video of yourself (or a photo with a written caption) on Instagram, TikTok, or Twitter, briefly sharing a testimony of how you found gospel hope in a “wilderness.” Your “wilderness” could be anything: a difficult ministry context, a hostile secular workplace, a personal trial or experience of chronic suffering, a season of waiting or wandering, or something else that felt or feels like a wilderness. In that wilderness place, how did biblical truth and the gospel give you hope?

Share your story on video (under three minutes) or as a photo with a written caption
Be sure to use the hashtag #HopeInTheWilderness
Be sure to tag TGC (Instagram/TikTok: @thegospelcoalition / Twitter: @TGC) so we can track entries

TGC will retweet and/or share to our Instagram Story a few entries, and our staff will pick up to three submissions who will receive a free registration for TGC’s 2023 Conference in Indianapolis.

The campaign runs now through July 14. We’ll select winners on July 14 and announce them soon after.

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The Gospel Coalition

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