Does Christianity Oppose Scientific Progress? (Video)

Can you be a Christian and a scientist at the same time? Is Christianity opposed to the sciences or is the Christian worldview a catalyst for the sciences? In this clip from the Person of Interest Video Curriculum, J. Warner discusses the impact Jesus had on the development of science.

To see more training videos with J. Warner and Jimmy Wallace, visit the YouTube playlist.

For more information about the impact Jesus and His followers had on science, read Person of Interest: Why Jesus Still Matters in a World That Rejects the Bible. This unique and innovative book makes a case for the historicity and Deity of Jesus from history alone, without relying on the New Testament manuscripts. It contains over 400 illustrations and is accompanied by a ten-session Person of Interest DVD Set (and Investigator’s Guide) to help individuals or small groups examine the evidence and make the case.

The post Does Christianity Oppose Scientific Progress? (Video) first appeared on Cold Case Christianity.

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