Kirk Cameron Declares ‘Win’ Over Public Libraries That Tried to Censor His Faith-Based Book

Just recently, the Daily Citizen brought you the story of how dozens of public libraries around the country attempted to censor Kirk Cameron’s new faith-based book about the fruits of the spirit as described in Galatians 5:22-23.

As You Grow has been published by the new conservative publishing company Brave Books which describes Cameron’s new illustrated book as a “fun story with brilliant art [that] teaches the Biblical truths of the Fruit of the Spirit.”

Kirk Cameron is an American actor and evangelist, known for playing Mike Seaver on the ABC sitcom Growing Pains – a role that he received two Golden Globe nominations for – and Cameron “Buck” Williams in the Left Behind film series.

But when Brave Books reached out to more than 50 public school libraries around the country that host “story hour” events, where authors or others can go to read books to children, the publisher originally received not a single reply welcoming Cameron to their library. However, it did receive several revealing denials.

For example, the Rochambeau Public Library in Providence, Rhode Island, told the publisher they were going to pass for the following reason: “We are a very queer-friendly library. Our messaging does not align.”

Clearly, since as Brave Books said, “All of the libraries that we contacted have hosted LGBTQ+ story times with drag queens in the past.”

So, it seems that the very individuals who host drag queens at libraries under the guise of promoting “tolerance” and “acceptance” for everyone are in fact quite intolerant of viewpoints (Christian ones) other than their own.

However, now Kirk Cameron is declaring a “win” over at least a couple of the public libraries that previously had said they would not host Cameron.

“I’m happy that the two libraries changed their decision and will allow my voice to be heard and my book to be read,” Cameron recently told Fox News.

The author will be headed to Indianapolis, Indiana on December 29 and Scarsdale, New York on December 30.

“I hope they realized that their position of denying me a story hour reading was not only unfair and illegal, but that we would all be better off if we listened to each other’s perspectives,” he added.

“I hope that this victory acts as a source of courage for Christians and conservatives across the country to be brave and not back down, making sure that we are the salt of the earth and the light of the darkness.”

To see the times and locations for upcoming Brave Books Story Hour events, click here.

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Kirk Cameron Has a New Children’s Book Out – And No Public Library Will Let Him Read It

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