BPQ&A – What does physician-assisted suicide do to trust in medicine and how should Christians respectfully disagree?

John and Shane field a question from someone in the medical community who asks what physician-assisted suicide does to our view of medical practitioners. The listener also asks for a worldview breakdown on how physician-assisted suicide came to be.

Next, Shane asks John what makes a church “woke”, after a listener asks John and Shane to explain what woke is and what it does to a church body.

A listener also writes in asking for clarity on what the mindful movement is and what worldview category it fits inside before John answers a listener’s question on the four chapter Gospel that John has talked about in other shows.

To close, John responds to a listener who asks for clarity on how Christians should respectfully disagree, noting a video from Matthew Vines and a response from Sean McDowell. The listener asks what Christians are to do when there is conflict inside Christian thought

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