How do you Respond to Ed Oxford’s Idea on Homosexuality? | BreakPoint Q&A

A mother writes in saying, “to my daughter, (Ed Oxford’s ideas) is a perfect example of how to have it both ways,” looking at the modern issue of homosexuality for Christians. Oxford’s idea is that homosexuality was translated as “child-abuser” and other things prior to the 1980s. After the 1980s the translation changed because the issue became more prevalent in culture. A mother writes in to have an understanding of how to respond.

Following that, another listener asks if we should use plural pronouns to define God. John and Shane expound on a recent BreakPoint commentary, providing a foundation to not only refer to God but to also speak confidently in our current cultural moment.

To close, a writer shares an experience she had in a Bible study. The leader mentioned a “mixed-orientation” marriage. The Listener knew the term was problematic, but struggled to identify what it was about the term that made it untrue. John and Shane explore the definition and explain the worldview underpinnings that highlight the image of God and the details surrounding gender and identity terminology that shouldn’t be compromised.

— Resources —

The Moral Vision of the New Testament Richard B. Hayes | Harperone | 1996

The Bible and Homosexual Practice Robert A.J. Gagnon | Abingdon Press | 2002

Does the Bible Say Gays are an “Abomination”? Sean McDowell | Youtube | September 27, 2021

God’s not “They”: Divine Pronouns Matter John Stonestreet & Tim Padgett | BreakPoint | October 4, 2021


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