Who is sitting in the gates with Biden?

On top of all the other crises America faces, now comes this threatening issue about who controls the president. Who really sits in the gates of the nation at this…

Evil Clowns | Public Occurrences, Ep. 19 – Administrator

Deception and purposed alchemy has become the mode of operation for the technocrats and social engineers surrounding the current administration.  Each day misinformation and fertile fallacies are unleashed upon an…

One Spectacular Person: The ‘Admirable Conjunction’ in Jesus Christ – David Mathis

Not only do books change lives, but paragraphs do. And not only paragraphs, but even single sentences. “Paragraphs find their way to us through books,” John Piper writes, “and they…

We Become Like the Videos We Behold – John Piper

For better or worse, we become what we behold. How should this truth affect our media consumption in the digital age? Listen Now Read More Desiring God

President Misquotes Isaiah 6, Fails to Give Message We Need

President Biden isn’t the first president to misquote Scripture, only the most recent. He did it by quoting Isaiah 6:8, when the prophet answered the Lord’s call with, “Here am…

If You Have a College Student in Your Family, Don’t Miss ‘Surviving Religion 101’

Leaving home after graduating from high school is an exciting season of life—a time of new opportunities and challenges. For young Christians trying to fit in at a secular university,…

Feed My Sheep

“Come and have breakfast,” Jesus said to His disciples when He appeared to them for the third time after His resurrection (John 21:12). In all His resurrected glory, Jesus condescended…

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