Children in the Household

Here’s an excerpt from Children in the Household, Robert W. Carver’s contribution to the July issue of Tabletalk:

And it came to pass that she brought forth her firstborn, and they wrapped the baby in a blanket and lovingly placed him in a crib. After this blessed event, things would never be the same. That little one then became the center of attention. God gave a gift that will demand untiring devotion and care. As the child grows, the needs will become more complex and the parental investment more demanding and challenging.

The sacred responsibility given to believing parents is clear: “Bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord” (Eph. 6:4). Godly parents teach their children reverence (for God and His Word), respect (for their parents and all in authority), and responsibility (in the home and in society).

What does it mean for children to obey their parents in the Lord? This article will focus on three chronological divisions: their youngest years, their “growing up” years, and their “grown and gone” years.

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