After the Diet

Here’s an excerpt from After the Diet, Gene Edward Veith’s contribution to the April issue of Tabletalk:

The diet at which Martin Luther made his stand concluded with the Edict of Worms, which declared Luther to be a heretic, banned his works, forbade anyone from giving him food or shelter, and called for his arrest.

Luther was allowed to travel back to Wittenberg under the safe conduct promised by the emperor, but he must have remembered what happened to Jan Hus, who, despite his safe conduct to the Council of Constance, was arrested and burned at the stake under the official church maxim that “faith is not to be kept with heretics.” That certainly flashed through Luther’s mind when the covered wagon in which he and his friends were traveling was attacked by a swarm of horsemen armed with crossbows. They pulled Luther from the wagon, threw him on a horse, and rode off with him.

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