Learn Countless Gems of Biblical Wisdom from Well-Known Puritan Authors

Voices from the Past Volume 2

“One flaw spoils the diamond; one treason makes a traitor; one turn sends a man out of the way; one leak sinks the ship; one wound strikes Goliath dead; and one Delilah betrays Samson. So many men, by favoring one sin, lose God, heaven and their souls forever. Sin favored, ever ends in tragedy.” —Thomas Brooks, Works, 4:110–118 (Voices from the Past, Volume 2)

The Puritans left us a remarkable collection of great writings. Their devotion to God’s Word and deep understanding of His instruction helped them pen volumes of treasured insights.

That’s why we’re making available a particularly rich collection this month titled Voices from the Past, Volume 2. In this 366-day devotional, prolific Puritan writers like Richard Baxter, John Owen, and Jeremiah Burroughs, as well as lesser known contributors, expound on individual verses throughout Scripture.

Editor Richard Rushing writes of the Puritans, “They were men who understood what it meant to suffer for Christ’s sake, and the Spirit of power is still using them through their writings and the example of their lives.” The selections in this book open the door to timely counsel that reaches forward through the centuries to meet us in our need today.

Find comfort, strength, and a renewed devotion as you enter the new year. Request Richard Rushing’s Voices from the Past, Volume 2.

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