How do you know if someone is telling the truth about God? And how should you respond if they are not?
Every Christian is responsible for knowing God’s Word and sharing it with others. But in a world affected by sin, false teaching is everywhere. Many people obscure, distort, or challenge what God has revealed in Scripture—even some leaders in the church. To be better prepared as witnesses for Christ, we must identify falsehood and the devastating harm it brings.
The latest book from Ligonier Ministries, A Field Guide on False Teaching, surveys prominent theological errors, cults, and world religions, equipping you to defend your faith against the dangers of false doctrine. By God’s grace, this resource can also help you more effectively respond to your friends, family, and neighbors with the hope you have in Christ.
“Just as the church during the Apostolic age was buffeted by various false teachings, the church today continues to be threatened by a number of false doctrines. Prosperity gospels, the rejection of God’s sovereignty and providence, denials of the deity of Christ, legalistic teaching on justification and sanctification, and antinomianism (i.e., lawlessness) are some of the false teachings that have taken root in various churches today. Ministers and congregants alike must stand against these forms of false teaching whenever and wherever they surface.” —Excerpt from the book
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