Different by His Grace: Wallpaper

“If you are professing to be a Christian, then you realize God has made you different, and you are to be different, by His grace.” — Alistair Begg What is…

Does God Elect His People to Salvation Based on Any Condition They Have Met?

Nothing in us can possibly merit God’s election. Our salvation belongs entirely to His good pleasure and the riches of His grace. From one of our Ask Ligonier events, Stephen…

Why We Long for Intimacy with God – Ed Welch

We often think of relationships in terms of distance. They can be close or distant. To be human is to be close to the ones we love. I consider it…

How Do I Know If I’m Doing Enough for God? – John Piper

Before you get overwhelmed by all of the Bible’s commands, remember your right standing with God and focus first on the anchors of faithful obedience. Listen Now

What Difference Does an Inerrant Bible Make?

Does it matter whether the Bible is errant or inerrant, fallible or infallible, inspired or uninspired? What’s all the fuss about the doctrine of inerrancy? Why do Christians debate this…

Help Truth For Life with a Review at ‘Great Nonprofits’

If you’ve benefited from the teaching you hear on Truth For Life, then tell more people!  By sharing your feedback with others online at GreatNonprofits.org — a review site like…

Video: “A Timely Prayer” by Alistair Begg

Amidst political agitation and social disintegration, what is the church called to do? This is not a time to sound retreat, but reveille, teaches Alistair Begg as he examines the…

Special $5 Friday (And More) Sale: 170+ Discounted Resources

This week’s $5 Friday (and More) sale falls on the 511th anniversary of John Calvin’s birth, so we’re making 170+ books, teaching series, audiobooks, and more available today for $5…

What Does He See in Her? The Church in the Eyes of Christ – Marshall Segal

How we think and feel about the church reveals how much we really know the heart of Christ. When we first heard the gospel, many of us were told, perhaps…

The State of Innocence

Here’s an excerpt from The State of Innocence, Richard P. Belcher Jr.’s contribution to the July issue of Tabletalk: It is important to understand that the world as it was…

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