A New Podcast—Luther: In Real Time

“Condemned. Reprobated. Rejected.” It’s 1520, and a monk by the name of Martin Luther has been declared a heretic by the most powerful man on earth. Luther is left with…

Holy Is Who You Are: A Missing Weapon in the War Against Sin – Scott Hubbard

If you are in Christ, the desire for holiness is woven into your spiritual DNA. You have learned to say with the old prayer, “Sin is my greatest evil, but…

Discipleship Together

Here’s an excerpt from Discipleship Together, Warren Peel’s contribution to the September issue of Tabletalk: I’m in the middle of reading The Body by Bill Bryson. It is both uplifting…

Video: “Two Days in Ziklag” by Alistair Begg

Saul’s defeat and death paved the way for David’s reign—which also eventually crumbled. So why should we spend time considering Israel’s Old Testament kings in the first place? Alistair Begg…

Video: “Two Days in Ziklag” by Alistair Begg

Saul’s defeat and death paved the way for David’s reign—which also eventually crumbled. So why should we spend time considering Israel’s Old Testament kings in the first place? Alistair Begg…

Union with Christ: A New Teaching Series from Sinclair Ferguson

The Apostle Paul had no question about what it meant to be a Christian: he was “in Christ.” This simple phrase encapsulates the glorious benefits and blessings of the Christian…

The Consequences of Neglecting the Image of God

When a society removes God from its thinking, it strips away the framework for understanding human identity. In this clip from our live event Made in the Image of God,…

How Do I Overcome My Fear of the Future? – John Piper

In this life, we will have trouble. In this world, we will have reasons to fear. But in Christ, our God is with us through it all. Listen Now Read…

Embodied Creativity: Delighting in God Through Diversity – Steven Lee

Some time ago, I was talking with my wife and kids at the dinner table. I don’t recall what we were talking about, but I mentioned in passing how our…

What If I Don’t Feel Forgiven?

There is an important difference between guilt and guilt feelings. The distinction is between that which is objective and that which is subjective. Guilt is objective; it is determined by…

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