What Does “Hosanna” Mean in the Bible?

Where did the word hosanna come from? It is most likely an English transliteration of a Greek adaptation and transliteration of an Aramaic version of a Hebrew exclamation found in…

What Does It Mean That God Is Omniscient?

What does it mean that God is omniscient? The roots of the word communicate that God has a knowledge (scientia) of all things (omnia). In some ways, to express God’s…

Hope For the Broken

Every home is dysfunctional because everyone is sinful. There is no perfect family this side of heaven, and if we were perfect parents, neither we nor our children would need…

What Is God’s Blessing?

The Bible is a blessed book. It begins with blessing. It ends with blessing. It’s about blessing. Even more, it is a blessing. But all of this begs a question:…

Who Killed Jesus?

Murder mysteries are popular these days. Agatha Christie’s fiction works continue to be read by a new generation, making her the best-selling author of all time. TV shows such as…

See Lives Transformed by God’s Truth

In 2024, the Lord has graciously used the teaching fellowship founded by R.C. Sproul to point millions of people to His holiness and grace. From helping inmates rebuild their lives…

How to Prepare for Sunday Worship

Anticipating a hunting trip with my brothers, I have been doing a lot of preparation lately. We are updating a spreadsheet, buying supplies, counting calories, weighing our packs, and exercising…

Finding Contentment Through Boasting

It is a sad condition of our fallen hearts that when we see God’s goodness to others, so often instead of rejoicing with them and praising God, we become envious,…

Coming Soon: New Daily Devotional from Sinclair Ferguson

Looking out at the world today, Christians can easily lose heart. The Apostle Paul evidently felt the same way. His remedy was to teach us to focus not on the…

What Is Glorification?

The Bible tells us that the end of our sanctification will be our glorification, when all vestigial remnants of sin will be removed from our character. We will be pure.…

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