The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self – Collin Hansen

A recent article in New York Magazine included this bombshell: “Roughly 30 percent of American women under 25 identify as LGBT. For women over 60, that figure is less than…

Afro-Latino Contours, Code Switching, and Transitional Justice (Part 1) – Jim Davis

In this episode of As In Heaven, hosts Jim Davis and Mike Aitcheson welcome Jon Aragón and Ameen Hudson to discuss the nuances of the Afro-Latino experience, and the ways…

Keep a Close Watch on Your Tongue (and Thumb) – Jeff Robinson

For those of us who make a living by using words—and that’s pretty much everybody serving in local church and parachurch ministries—Matthew 12:36–37 and James 3:1 have to be among…

Jordan, LeBron, and Jesus – Jonathan Tjarks

Stephen A. Smith said something revealing in one of the endless televised debates about LeBron James versus Michael Jordan:  As long as I’m living and breathing, and I’ve got breath…

Should I Tell People I Had an Abortion? – Kendra Dahl

How do I communicate about my sexual past—which sadly includes two abortions—to the people in my life? I often hear from women trying to process the aftermath of an abortion.…

A Congregation Is Not an Audience – J. T. English

What is Jesus doing right now? According to Ephesians 4, he is ascended in heaven and is gifting his church for greater mission and unity. He’s giving leaders, who equip…

9 Things You Should Know about Ruby Bridges and School Desegregation – Joe Carter

Sixty years ago today, six-year-old Ruby Bridges became the first African American student to integrate an elementary school in the South. Here are nine things you should know about Bridges…

Your Church Is Your Family – Megan Hill

I learned the significance of “brother” and “sister” long before I began to use those biblical terms myself. As a child, I would half-listen to my parents’ side of phone…

Private Prayer Is Not Enough – John Onwuchekwa

“When it comes to dependence on God and the blessing that comes in weakness, there’s a practice of prayer that’s going to teach you in a way that’s better than…

Christian Hip-Hop’s Connection to Ancient Athens – A. Trevor Sutton

Kanye West’s newest track, “Wash Us in the Blood,” tells an old, old story that has become new for him as a recent convert to Christianity. “Wash us in the…

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