Our Hope Isn’t Political—It’s Christ – Christopher Cleveland

As a teenager seeking to live a godly life in Christ, I was drawn to the writings of John Owen (1616–1683), the great English Puritan theologian. What impressed me then,…

How to Go Deep into Bible Study without Getting Lost – Ryan Martin

Bible professors, local church pastors, and faithful church members all share a common desire to better understand Scripture. We want depth in our Bible studies and prefer sermon series that…

Spiritual Disciplines for Dark Days – Christopher Ash

We had just driven home after a wonderfully happy Christmas Day with some of our family. (Our government allowed us to mix on that one day, but we had to…

How Can I Think About an LGBT Vote at My Secular University? – Laura Baxter

I work for a university, and the faculty are voting on a policy that would give affirmation to the LGBT community. I’m not sure what to do. As a Christian,…

Hope When Your Spouse Divorces You – Craig Luekens

I was afraid to write this article for several reasons. I didn’t want to write out of self-justification, trying to set the record straight that my divorce was not my…

The Fantasy Ideology of the American Insurrectionists – Joe Carter

At the podium of the world’s greatest deliberative body stood the QAnon Shaman. A bare-chested man wearing red, white, and blue warpaint on his face and a bonnet made of…

Help! My Kids Don’t Like Church – Megan Hill

For families with kids, Sunday mornings can be a theater for spiritual drama. Whether you have toddlers who scream that their church shoes pinch or teenagers who slouch out the…

Why Complementarian Men Do More Housework – Joe Carter

The Story: A social science study titled “Godly husbands and housework” finds that husbands who attend religious services regularly tend to do more housework than other men do. The Background:…

Don’t Misread Scripture with Individualist Eyes – Elliot Clark

In the Central Asian culture where our family used to live, hospitality was elaborate. When visiting a friend, copious amounts of extravagant food were typically offered. But regardless the quality…

The Cost of Staying in Silicon Valley – Rijo Simon

It’s a distinct irony: the place that perhaps most embodies the pursuit of the American Dream is one of the most difficult places to realize it. The high cost of…

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