8 companies that made changes to reduce sexual exploitation

The National Center on Sexual Exploitation has released a report highlighting actions taken by major corporations to address concerns about children’s access to pornographic material on the internet. The Christian…

Teens committed to Scripture show more screen-time discernment, Barna finds

The majority of Generation Z believes their generation spends too much time on screens — yet there is a strong correlation between teens and young adults committed to Scripture and…

Child sex abuse survivors sue Pornhub over abuse footage on site

Two people who were sexually abused as minors have filed suit against Pornhub and its owner Mindgeek, over videos of their abuse being uploaded to the popular pornography website. The…

Vigano warns of ‘doctrinal abuse’ undermining Catholic Church teachings, Robert Moynihan says

The author of a new book about Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, a whistleblower on the sex abuse scandal in the Roman Catholic Church, is arguing that in addition to the…

White evangelical Protestants identified as group most proud to be American: survey

No religious group expresses greater pride in their national identity than white evangelical Protestants, with the majority saying they are very or extremely proud to be an American, according to…

Black History Month: 7 pioneering African American clergy

Here are seven notable milestones for black clergy in the United States. The include the African-American president of the Southern Baptist Convention, the first African-American head of The Episcopal Church,…

Larry Flynt should be remembered as a ‘scourge on society,’ not a free speech advocate

A national organization that combats sexual exploitation said pornographer Larry Flynt, who died Wednesday at 78, should be remembered as “a scourge on society,” not championed as a free speech…

565K displaced, 2,500 killed amid rise of Islamic extremism in Mozambique since 2017

Violent extremist attacks that have led to the displacement of half-a-million people and over 1,300 civilian deaths in northern Mozambique in recent years decreased in January as government forces try…

Catholic Campaign for Human Development funded pro-abortion, pro-LGBT groups: report

The Catholic Campaign for Human Development is facing criticism for giving money to groups that promote abortion and LGBT activism, which violate the teachings of the Catholic Church. The Christian…

Planned Parenthood worker warns kids claiming trans identity are being used as ‘cash cows’

A Planned Parenthood employee is speaking out against the organization’s practices of dispensing cross-sex hormones to trans-identifying teenagers, particularly distressed girls.  The Christian Post | RSS Read More

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