Hundreds of Christian Pastors Urge Democrat Party Leaders to Change Its Platform on Abortion

Today, over 100 Christian pastors sent a letter to the Democrat National Committee (DNC) urging it to end its explicit support for extreme abortion policies. The letter was organized by…

Chicago Mayor Has City Remove Columbus Statue, But Struggles to Address Surge in Gun Violence

What’s more important for city management, addressing a sharp increase in gun violence that’s threatening and terrorizing the citizens or removing a statue in response to the demands of protestors?…

Seattle Police Officer Pens Heartbreaking Letter: ‘I Have Now Been Broken’

An officer with the Seattle Police Department (SPD) has penned an anonymous open letter to the citizens of the city. The officer confided that even though he’s spent his life…

Imagine Seattle: Defunded Police, No Jail and No Youth Detention Center

It sounds like something out of a John Lennon song. “Imagine there’s no police, it’s easy if you try.” Or, “Imagine there’s no jail, it isn’t hard to do.” Or,…

CNN Anchor Proclaims that Hydroxychloroquine “Kills,” Despite Lack of Evidence

Are CNN anchors now physicians and healthcare professionals? Brianna Keilar seems to think so. The CNN anchor announced recently to her audience that hydroxychloroquine “kills,” despite the drug being used…

CATO Study: Conservative Citizens Most Likely to Self-Censor for Fear of Offending Others or Being Fired

It’s not a good cultural indicator when citizens increasingly believe they could be fired for contributing to a particular candidate or shunned for holding certain political views. But this is…

Operation Legend: President Trump Surges Law Enforcement to Crime-Ridden Cities

Yesterday, President Trump announced a surge of federal law enforcement officers to American cities that have recently seen a sharp spike in crime. The announcement was made as a part…

Study Reports a 27% Increase in the Number of Women Ordering the Abortion Pill Online

A new study reports a 27% increase in the number of women ordering the abortion pill online without the oversight of a physician during the various state shutdowns caused by…

States Bring Lawsuit to Redefine ‘Sex’ in Health Care

In June, the Supreme Court redefined “sex” in Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act to include “gender identity” and “sexual orientation.” In its 6-3 decision, Bostock v. Clayton County, the…

Canceling Margaret Sanger

It took nearly one hundred years, but Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, has finally been “canceled” – falling victim to “woke” moment. Yet her malignant and deadly legacy,…

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