Cashing in on Psychedelics

In 1967, ex-Harvard professor Timothy Leary famously coined one of the slogans of 60’s counter culture when he told hippies to “turn on, tune in, [and] drop out.” Psychedelics like…

The Fury of the Fatherless – Mary Eberstadt on the BreakPoint Podcast

Mary Eberstadt believes our national distrust is linked closely to a shift in fatherhood. A recent articled published in First Things makes the point that there is a link to…

Abandoning the Elderly in Belgium

A recent report by the Belgium affiliate of Amnesty International contained an elephant-sized irony that neither Amnesty International nor much of the media seemed to notice. Entitled “Nursing Home Blind…

The Decline of the Boy Scouts and Rise of Faith-based Opportunities – Breakpoint This Week

John and Shane wrestle with a myriad of challenging stories this week. They discuss the decline of the Boy Scouts, highlighting opportunities for the church to provide guidance for individuals…

Live not by Lies and the Danger of Soft Totalitarianism

Acts 4 describes how, after throwing Peter and John in jail for “teaching the people (and) proclaiming in Jesus the resurrection of the dead,” the Sanhedrin demanded that they “not speak…

Radical Gratitude

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Radical Gratitude

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The fundamental idea of the sexual revolution, the one that has led to so many of the sweeping social changes of recent decades, is that sex, marriage, and babies are…

Building a Theology of Getting Fired – Ask BreakPoint

John and Shane field important conversations downstream from worldview. A scientist asks how to frame gender identity. Another listener asks how to engage fundamental worldview questions in the classroom. John…

A Fancy Dinner Isn’t a Moral Failure

Earlier this month, when celebrity chef Thomas Keller was interviewed by NPR about his new cookbook, his interviewer wasn’t all that interested in the recipes. Instead, he wanted to talk…

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