Ethicist Protests Politicized Science — Alas, That Horse Was Out of the Barn Long Ago

It is all about the costs of getting on the wrong side of the power structure. To say that this “chills” debate about scientific issues is an understatement. Source Read…

Are You Communicating the Right Passions to Your Kids? (Video)

As parents, all of us have something we are passionate about, but are we passionate about God? Are we leading our kids in the right direction? Do we communicate passion…

Intelligent Design’s Yellow Star: Journal’s Disclaimer Refutes a Common Criticism of ID

Critics of intelligent design (ID) often lecture ID proponents that they are free to submit their work to any scientific journal and it will receive a fair consideration, 100 percent…

Engaging with Mormons: Understanding Their World, Sharing Good News

Engaging with Mormons Understanding Their World, Sharing Good News by Dr. Corey Miller, Ratio Christi President and CEO While Mormons may only be 2% of the US population, they comprise…

Against the Tide: The Classroom Where C. S. Lewis Taught

“They were the last lectures Lewis ever gave. I’m very pleased to have been at them.” Source Read More Evolution News

In Biological Origins, Bottom-Up or Top-Down Causation?

Michael Denton says that the evidence has been growing for top-down causation, which poses a challenge to reductionist and materialistic origins science. Source Read More Evolution News

Against the Tide: Oxford’s John Lennox Describes Kinship with C. S. Lewis

“I owe him an immense amount because although he wasn’t a scientist, he understood science. He understood the implications and the philosophy of science.” Source Read More Evolution News

November: In a New Book, Michael Behe Springs a Trap for Darwin

How could blind evolution arrange biochemical parts into complex functional wholes one small step at a time, as Darwin and his followers envision? Source Read More Evolution News

Magnetic Navigation May Be a Gift from Bacteria

New clues to the prevalence of magnetotactic bacteria suggest that diverse animals may employ microbes for help with long-distance navigation. Source Read More Evolution News

If Christianity is True, Why Are There So Many Denominations? (Video)

Christians can’t even agree with each other, why should anyone else think Christianity is true? If so many Christians are in disagreement, how can we be certain Christianity is true?…

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