How to Destroy Love with Darwinism

When Darwin proposed a new view of biology based on chance, he cheapened everything, including our most precious human values. Source Read More Evolution News

Dallas Conference on Science & Faith: In Person or Livestream

Those who choose to join in person will find that we are taking every reasonable precaution to protect our attendees, volunteers, and staff. Source Read More Evolution News

Algorithmic Specified Complexity: Genesis

Winston Ewert discusses the mathematical foundation for why we know Mount Rushmore is designed in a way that Mount Fuji isn’t. Source Read More Evolution News

Is the Appearance of Fine Tuning in the Universe Simply a Matter of Physical Necessity? (Video)

Is the apparent fine-tuning we find in the universe dictated by the laws of physics? Is this fine-tuning inevitable based on these physical laws? Or are there other potential physical…

Shaw, Scientism, and Darwinism

George Bernard Shaw’s positive criterion by which to measure and ridicule folly and vice was fatally ambiguous, eclectic, and inconstant. Source Read More Evolution News

Podcast: Turn Your Season Around (with Darryl Strawberry) – Darryl Strawberry and Scott Rae

Darryl Strawberry is a legendary baseball player who had everything the world has to offer, and yet he was broken and hurting inside. In this interview, Strawberry shares some powerful…

Bright Idea: Put Scientists in Charge Instead?

Could scientists and advocates of scientism really make a worse hash of things than the politicians? Source Read More Evolution News

On the Road with Our Supporters

These two young ladies are representative of many others who are desperately seeking our message of purpose and hope. Source Read More Evolution News

Untold Stories from JP Moreland: A Behind the Scenes Look at His Life and Ministry – Sean McDowell

Professor J.P. Moreland is one of the leading philosophers in the world, but in this interview, he shares some personal experiences and wisdom from his life. Read More Sean McDowell

Has the Message of the Bible Changed?

The Bible is foundational to Christian belief. While many things can be known about God from examining the natural world around us, or using reason, there are some things about…

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