Galápagos Finches and a Surprising Deletion

How could the authors suddenly do this? Some of the following points may be considered. Source Read More Evolution News

Behe’s Latest Gives the Lie to Critics’ Accusation

Michael Behe’s pro-Darwin critics have jumped all over him. Some even claim he’s ignored their objections. Source Read More Evolution News

How Can You Trust Ancient Bishops or Church Fathers If They Were Catholic? (Video)

Many of the earliest church leaders held contradictory theological positions. How can we trust them for information about Jesus if they don’t agree theologically? J. Warner answers this question as…

Darwin Is on the Roof — New Book from Michael Behe, Out Today

The public is being prepared very slowly for the demise of Darwinian evolutionary theory. It wasn’t planned this way, but it is how things are playing out. Source Read More…

Tomorrow: Behe Springs a Mousetrap on Darwin

Biochemist Michael Behe has been conducting a decades-long independent scientific audit of the evidence for unguided Darwinian evolution. Source Read More Evolution News

Are Galápagos Finches “Evolution in Action”?

In a series of posts starting today, I offer some notes on the question of whether macroevolution is happening on the Galápagos Islands. Source Read More Evolution News

Do Miraculous Events (Like the Virgin Conception) Invalidate Christianity? (Podcast)

In this blast from the past, J. Warner examines the presupposition of naturalism as it relates to the reasonableness of Christianity. Are theists the only people who believe in miraculous…

The Solution to Fake News about Intelligent Design

Just a few days ago, a former atheist endorsed Evolution News as the “best place” to read about topics relating to science, design, Darwinism, and faith. Source Read More Evolution…

Armed and Dangerous: Human Evolution in Action — Or Is It Fake News?

Researchers say a growing number of adults have a persistent, prominent median artery in their arms, an artery that’s important in the embryonic stage. Source Read More Evolution News

Against the Tide: John Lennox on Discussions with Dave Rubin, Peter Atkins

“I was pitched to debate Sam Harris. That didn’t come off. I’m a bit sorry that didn’t happen.” Source Read More Evolution News

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