Why the “Odds” Favor the Existence of a Creator

By Al Serrato  With each passing year, science is providing more evidence that the universe is exquisitely fine-tuned to support human life. Change any one of dozens of scientific parameters…

Do Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence?

If you believe in the Resurrection or the biblical miracles, skeptics will often dismiss your beliefs by saying that “extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence”.   Is that claim true?  What…

For Darwin and Lincoln’s Birthday, Pre-Order Return of the God Hypothesis

Today’s date in history, 211 years ago — February 12, 1809 — was a remarkable day. Source Read More Evolution News

What Got You Interested in the Gospels? (Video)

Why would anyone begin an investigation of Christianity, especially if they were content in their life as an atheist? What got YOU interested in the gospels? This clip was taken…

Put Some of This on That Wound, Honey

The antiseptic properties of natural honey are getting more attention as antibiotic-resistant bacteria proliferate. Source Read More Evolution News

A Purity Lesson from Justin Bieber (and a Reflection) – Sean McDowell

During his engagement, Justin Bieber committed to abstinence with his wife. Did God reward him for this good behavior? Sean offers some insights. Read More Sean McDowell

New Abiogenesis Series: James Tour Strikes Back

Delightful — a hapless critic snarked that chemist James Tour’s detonation of theories of abiogenesis were off-base because Tour believes in Jesus. Source Read More Evolution News

Near-Death Experiences: The Evidence – Sean McDowell

What’s the evidence Near-Death Experiences really happen? And what do they prove? I talk with Dr. Steve Miller about his research and experience with NDEs. Read More Sean McDowell

Human Orphan Genes — Interesting YouTube Talk Tonight by Nathan Lents

A couple of years ago, Professor Lents became fascinated by orphan genes, and went looking for them in the human genome. Source Read More Evolution News

Do Denominational Disagreements Falsify Christianity?

A common objection to Christianity focuses on the denominational differences existing between the numerous Christian sects we see across the globe. If there is one Christian God, why are there…

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