William Dembski: Why I’m Returning to the Front Lines of Intelligent Design

The mathematician and philosopher also gives a sneak preview of the talk he plans to give at this Saturday’s Dallas Conference on Science and Faith. Source Read More Evolution News

Ravi Zacharias and the Limits of Worldview Training – Sean McDowell

The recent news about Ravi Zacharias is heart-breaking. There are many lessons for the church to learn. Sean focuses one one for those who work with students. Read More Sean…

Podcast: Compassion and Conviction in Public Life and Politics (with Justin Giboney) – Justin Giboney, Sean McDowell, and Scott Rae

In our divided political and cultural landscape, the combination of conviction and compassion is more necessary than ever. Join Scott and Sean as they interview author and founder of the…

Some Thoughts on Law Enforcement and the Case for Christianity (Podcast)

How can police officers be encouraged in this difficult time? What principles can help us think clearly about law enforcement and the case for Christianity? Logan Campbell discusses several important…

Vindicated But Not Cited: Paper in Nature Heredity Supports Michael Behe’s Devolution Hypothesis

The literature is looking at the same data that intelligent design proponents are looking at, making similar observations, and asking similar questions. Source Read More Evolution News

Killing Homicide: On Missing Fathers & Redemption In Prison

By Bob Perry The senses recoil when you walk into a high-security prison. A pungent mix of mildew, old food, and rancid mop water buries itself in your nostrils. Drab…

Why Objective Truth Matters (Video)

Are all truth claims simply “perspectival”? Is everything a matter of opinion? If not, what difference would objective truth make when considering Christianity? Detective Jimmy Wallace (J. Warner’s son) tackles…

Nature Article Admits Unanswered Origin-of-Life Questions, Exposing Broken Promises of ID Critics

In 2016, physicist Lawrence Krauss promised, “We’re coming very close” to explaining the origin of life via chemical evolutionary models. Source Read More Evolution News

Abiogenesis Series with James Tour: Watch Now

The incomparable chemist James Tour has launched his new series on abiogenesis — the origin of life from non-life. Source Read More Evolution News

Charles Darwin in Light of Black History Month

Was Darwin’s racism purely a function of his time and place, Victorian England? Historian Michael Flannery says no. Source Read More Evolution News

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