Good News: Dallas Conference on Science and Faith Rescheduled for March 13

“Does our universe point to God? Do molecules show evidence of foresight? Were humans produced by intelligent design?” Source Read More Evolution News

NASA Is Overselling Its Mars Perseverance Mission

Synthetic organic chemist James Tour, of Rice University, has shown the folly of NASA scientists and others in a number of videos. Source Read More Evolution News

What is the Earliest Evidence for the Resurrection? – Sean McDowell

What is the earliest and best source for the Resurrection of Jesus? Sean discusses the creed in 1 Corinthians that mentions the death, burial, and appearances. Read More Sean McDowell

Who Did Jesus Think He Was? (Video)

Did Jesus claim to be more than a mere mortal? Did he really think he was God? Did he proclaim this to others? Detective Jimmy Wallace (J. Warner’s son) tackles…

Today, “Canceled” Scientist Eric Hedin Gets His Voice Back

Cancel culture had no name in 2013. It has since become one of the major worries in contemporary life. Source Read More Evolution News

Jay Richards: A Look Back at Paley and Hume

Dr. Richards addresses David Hume’s critique of analogical arguments like those used by William Paley. Source Read More Evolution News

From Tom Gilson, Rhetorical Advice for Opponents of Intelligent Design

Getting ID theory right instead of criticizing a made-up straw man would be a good start. Source Read More Evolution News

Progressive Christianity: Coming to a Church Near You

A self-described “progressive” Christian church in Nashville, TN made headlines last week with a meme claiming the Bible is not the word of God, not infallible, and not inerrant. Years…

Study: Hands of “Ardi” Indicate a Chimp-like Tree-Dweller and Knuckle-Walker

Initially, Ardi was widely called the “oldest human ancestor,” due to its supposed skeletal traits that indicated an early bipedal (upright walking) species. Source Read More Evolution News

What’s the Problem with “Name It and Claim It”? (Video)

Is the “prosperity gospel” Biblically legitimate? Is there any Biblical support for “name it and claim it” theology? How can I determine if this theology is heretical? In this clip…

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