Michael Ruse: Darwin’s Hedgehog Searches for Purpose

For Ruse, “Darwin is like Moses” who “led his children [himself among them] to the Promised Land but never got there himself.” Source Read More Evolution News

Futuristic Evolution by AI — The Darwin Connection

To evolutionists, whatever oversight humans achieved must have evolved, and will continue to evolve in our creations. Source Read More Evolution News

How to Bridge the Cultural Divide (Cold-Case Christianity Broadcast S7E01)

We seem more divided now than ever before? What can reunite us and guide us toward a better tomorrow? How can we bridge the cultural divide? What role does Christianity…

Tulane Physicist Frank Tipler on Meyer’s God Hypothesis

Dr. Meyer turns to physics and cosmology, permitting him to draw the stunning conclusion of a personal God acting at the beginning of existence. Source Read More Evolution News

Application Period Is Open for Summer Seminars on Intelligent Design

What makes the Summer Seminars so special? Last year Emily Kurlinski talked with a graduate, “Mary,” who is pursuing her own research in the world of academia. Source Read More…

God Hypothesis: Meyer “Masterfully Summarizes the Evidence,” Says Biochemist Anthony Futerman

It’s the evidence from cosmology and physics and biology together that allows the inference not just to a generic intelligent designer but to a personal God. Source Read More Evolution…

“Multiverse” Myth Frees Atheists from Real Science

Deniers of God’s existence have clung to one main gambit to avoid the design implications of the fine-tuning of the universe. Source Read More Evolution News

Is Salvation Really a Free Gift?

The Bible talks a lot about grace, the unmerited favor God shows us when he saves us from our sins and grants us salvation. But our material, visual world encourages…

Two Reasons Why a Bad Theory Remains Popular

Science has been so successful explaining other phenomena in terms of purely unintelligent natural forces, why should evolution be so different? Source Read More Evolution News

4 Steps to Help Men Fight Lust – Sean McDowell

Is it really possible for men not to lust after women? If so, how? Sean reflects on good and bad advice often given to men about avoiding lust. Read More…

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