How to Make a S’more and An Apologetic for Hope (Cold-Case Christianity Broadcast S8E21)

J. Warner and Jimmy Wallace continue the new format of their weekly podcast by discussing a recent night roasting marshmallows around a fire. Along the way they discuss the important…

Marks: Non-Computable You Won’t Achieve Immortality Through an AI Machine

Dreams of achieving immortality by having your consciousness uploaded, merging man and computer in the predicted 2045 “Singularity,” are just that — dreams. Source Read More Evolution News

Can We Eliminate the Idea of Function from Biology? A Philosopher and a Biologist Want to Try

They propose the term “biological role” instead. Thus, presumably, “the function of teeth is chewing” becomes “the biological role of teeth is chewing.” Source Read More Evolution News

Daniel Prophesied the Timing Of The Messiah

By Erik Manning How did Jesus see himself? As we learn about Jesus’ Jewish context in the first century, we find that he made some staggering claims. First of all,…

Neurosurgeon Michael Egnor: Humans Have Free Will

Dr. Egnor explains why the argument against free will is self-refuting and why he’s concluded that determinism as a theory in physics is dead. Source Read More Evolution News

Invitation to Jason Rosenhouse: Respond to Dembski

Nothing is more clarifying than reasoned argument, as Professor Rosenhouse appears to agree in his book. Now let’s find out what he will say. Source Read More Evolution News

For AI to Be Creative, Here’s What It Would Take

AI can appear smart when it generates a surprising result. But surprise does not equate to creativity. Source Read More Evolution News

Darwinists’ Delusion: Closing Thoughts on Jason Rosenhouse

Does it really need to be pointed out that roads are designed? That where they go is designed? And that even badly laid out roads are laid out by design?…

Was There a Change in Your Life When You Became a Christian? (Video)

Does Christianity have the power to change our lives? If so, how did it change YOUR life? Students from the King’s Academy discuss the issue with J. Warner on the…

How to Spot Hidden Worldviews – Sean McDowell

Since worldviews are everywhere, how can we identify them? Sean offers 3 practical tips for identifying them in songs, movies, social media posts, and more. Read More Sean McDowell

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